Cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) is not just a good measure of health and longevity. It’s way better than body mass index (BMI). And it wouldn’t hurt to keep tabs on your waist measurement too!

The best way to improve your health and extend your life span is through exercise. A recent study shows that people who are obese or overweight will lower their risks of heart disease and early death at a much higher rate if they concentrate on getting fit, not dieting.

Concentrate on getting fit, not dieting..”


A person’s quality of living largely depends on proper physical activity level – even more so than dieting or diet-related behaviors such as calorie counting. More importantly, though, are all its associated benefits for mental well-being! Healthy bodies lead happier lives throughout all aspects: cognitive function/attention; executive functioning and speech production ability (which includes fluency); memory storage capacity, the list goes


Many people are misinformed about the health benefits of body mass index (BMI) vs. cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF). In 2020, diet industry revenue exceeded 71 billion dollars. The problem has been around for decades, but no solution has yet emerged that works for everyone–and it’s not clear why this would change with time either! The majority of diets fail miserably at keeping people healthy and happy. 



For footnote

In 2020 the diet industry, according to Weight Management, was a 71 billion dollar industry.


Weight, it turns out, is not as significant a factor in your overall health.



So if you are fit and have great endurance, you can be overweight or obese, and it won’t impact your health. A new study on cardiorespiratory endurance found healthier overweight or obese in the BMI classification. That is, if you have high cardiorespiratory endurance (CRF). CRF looks at how well your heart, lungs, and muscles perform during high-intensity exercise.

This new study has found that it is healthier to be in the overweight or obese BMI classification with high cardiorespiratory endurance, in comparison to a low 

 BMI of a person who yo-yos diets or is unfit. 


CRF looks at how well your heart, lungs, and muscles perform during intense exercise. 

CRF measures how well your body processes oxygen during exercise. The oxygen you take in fills up your lungs, and some of that oxygen goes to your blood supply. That oxygen-rich blood travels to the heart. From there, that blood circulates to your body’s organs and tissues. During exercise, you need the nutrients in the oxygen to work for an extended period. Not enough oxygen? You will get tired. That is why CRF is a much better measurement than BMI.


CRF looks at how well your heart, lungs, and muscles perform during intense exercise.

Many people are misinformed about the health benefits of body mass index (BMI) vs. cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF). According to Weight Management, in 2020, the diet industry was a 71 billion dollar industry. The diet industry has been trying to solve this problem for decades, but there is still no solution that works for everyone.


The good news? Weight is not as significant a factor in your overall health Exercise is more important. Great news, since most diets fail miserably at keeping people healthy and happy. 


BMI the standard for decades as the primary marker of overall health, but it’s not necessarily an accurate predictor. But BMI is a controversial weight and health status measure because it isn’t always accurate. BMI can misrepresent people who have a lot of muscle as being overweight, which makes sense if you think about the famous football player images that represent “average BMI.” For this reason, BMI, if used, should always be used in conjunction with other measures. The issue is that BMI does not consider your level of muscle mass. We all know that muscle weighs more than fat, so if you have a high percentage of lean muscle tissue, your weight may be higher, but you will be healthier. If you are very fit and muscular but overweight or obese, it’s possible to have a “healthy” BMI while being less healthy overall due to excess body fat.

BMI doesn’t take into consideration your health. A person’s Body Mass Index cannot accurately determine their risk-related outcomes. BMI is a statistic that only considers weight while disregarding physical activity levels and having lousy dietary habits such as eating massive amounts of salty foods or sugar. You can have a sensational BMI and be a smoker with COPD or emphysema. Or a BMI that is in the correct range but has very high blood pressure and heart disease.  

Or you can have a spectacular BMI half the year when on your diet and then fall into the obesity category the other half of the year when you are not dieting when not. Yo-yo dieting is called a futile cycle!

Opray Winfrey comes to mind. Looking at her magazine covers over the decades when she was publishing a paper copy of her magazine, her weight was all over the place. Repeated weight loss efforts may result in weight gain or weight cycling. 


Oprah Winfrey is an iconic figure in the media industry labeled “the most successful woman in television history.” But it seems like she could never maintain her weight if you looked at the cover of her magazine. Her weight was all over the place. She would lose weight, then gain it again and repeat this futile cycle time after time until finally giving up and buying WW.

A study conducted by doctors found that people who go through cycles of putting on or losing pounds are likely experiencing something called “weight cycling.” This yo-yo dieting could lead them back into another fatisode process again tomorrow if they don’t find ways around this relapsing tendency. Like not eating enough before getting too hungry so you’ll eat less later, exercising intensely, then barely being able to resist high-calorie foods when their energy crashes afterward.


No one had a more public presence in weight cycling than Opray Winfrey because every month, via her magazine covers, we saw her story of yo-yo dieting. Her trainer moved into her neighborhood to help, and she bought into the business of WW, formerly Weight Watchers as well. But even with all that support, it seems like Oprah still has problems getting back on track after an eating binge or two let loose by herself again!

If Opray has all that support and still has a problem, you know dieting is tough. It can be easy to gain back the weight again. Another thing to consider is that if Oprah still believes her self-worth depends on how she looks, it’s sending a terrible message to fans. She needs more concern for her health and exercise routine for her longevity!

This cycle of losing weight and gaining it back over and over can cause health problems in addition to making us feel bad about ourselves. Opray shared a letter with People Magazine that said she was prediabetic and had high blood pressure when she was 65 before getting involved with WW. She also had high blood pressure that stabilized after she joined WW.



One of the problems with losing and gaining weight is that the body sees this as a pattern of feast or famine. It becomes accustomed to going from a state of starvation to one where food is abundant and then back again. This cycle makes you feel hungry all the time because your body never gets used to having enough energy stored in your fat cells for normal metabolic processes to occur at their optimal levels. 

But many have an unhealthy weight according to the outdated BMI charts and eat a flexible diet but are Fit. They are all healthy with strength training, resistance training, and cardio. They are kind to themselves and don’t buy into all the advertising around them. There is increasing emphasis on being fit. And being kind to themselves! Examples are Tyra Banks, Erin Heatherton, and Hiillary Duff. Those three are my heroes!

Tyra Banks is a celebrity and former model that is not afraid to talk about her struggles with weight. She says she looks better with weight gain, BUT she exercises to look that great. Hillary Duff eats chocolate, bread and drinks wine by working with her diet coach Erik Young. She plans to track three types of food: protein, carbs, and fat. For her plan, see and @novobodyoffcial. I love that. In a Time magazine article, Erin Heatherton described her breakdown to breakthrough moments while a Victoria’s Secret Lingerie model back in 2013. The company, Victoria’s Secret, kept telling her to lose more weight. She became a catalyst for change and encouraged women to become “the Truest versions of themselves.” Her hashtags say it all: #Rebelwacause, #empowerment, #womenempowerment, and #empoweredbyyou. But Tyra, Erin, and Hillary all know that it is more important to work out and eat lots of vegetables and fruit to be healthy than live a constant life of weight cycling. 


There is no one-size-fits-all formula for weight loss. That’s why diet communities have become so popular – they give people the tools to set their own goals and measure success based on their metrics. 

Here is a blog that explains how to measure your cardiorespiratory rate.



I am a nurse and tired of hearing doctors say to patients, “lose weight.” How are they supposed to lose weight? The only advice is to eat less. Seeing Opray’s roller-coaster weight loss and maintenance struggles inspired me to create People were struggling with their weight and fitness routine can talk with their community about what works for them. People can find support from others who understand exactly how they feel. provides a free forum for members to share experiences, support other members in reaching their goals, and find inspiration from others who have been there before them. The community fosters healthy habits that will last beyond your initial goal of losing weight or getting fit!

The question everyone on a diet wants to be answered is, “how do I keep this off?” And that’s another reason I started this community – because no doctor responded to that question even when a patient did have the tenacity to lose weight! 


You can get healthier at We are here to help you find lasting success with your eating plan by sharing what works (and doesn’t) for others like you who are committed to finding their way out of the cycle of yo-yo dieting and towards a healthier life for good!






Agitate: The issue is that another  indicator for health is cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF), which measures how efficiently your heart and lungs work together as an integrated unit during exercise. Cardiorespiratory fitness can improve with regular aerobic exercise like running or swimming – activities most people already enjoy! 

I started was created by two women who struggled with their weight loss journey and came up with an answer that would finally work for them! Our goal is simple – help others achieve lasting results to live happy & healthy lives without constantly struggling with diets or yo-yo dieting. by concentrating on

The key to successful weight loss is learning how to make better food choices and change your lifestyle so that healthy habits become part of who you are instead of something temporary fix. The goal shouldn’t be until we reach our goal size. That’s why we created – a supportive community where everyone helps each other succeed at making healthier lifestyle changes and achieving their goals together!

It’s time for something new and better, which is why we created with an online community of  members who are passionate about their health and fitness goals. We have thousands of success stories from people who started as you did, but now they live healthy lives without diets or starvation plans! can help break the futile cycle of repeated dieting failures by offering an online community. Here members can share their experiences, learn from each other’s mistakes and support each other in achieving long-term success with maintaining a healthy bodyweight. This online group offers weekly coaching sessions and individualized 1-on-1 coaching for those who need additional guidance on implementing lifestyle changes that will result in long-term results. helps offer a solution to this problem. We provide a community, articles, and tools that help you improve your cardiorespiratory fitness and weight loss goals in an easy-to-understand way. helps you lose weight and stay healthy by showing how diet, exercise, and activity affect your cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF). You can learn more about these two measurements in our articles here – BMI vs. CRF.


 We also have community forums to share your experiences with dieting, exercising, losing weight, or staying fit.