Peggy Levee

Hello there! I am so pleased you found me. My name is Peggy Levee and welcome to Diet I will work one on one with you to achieve your goals while exploring new healthy food options and exercise solutions.

My plan is to help with any personal issues you may be facing. If you need a personalized plan with added accountability, look no further. I offer flexible, custom plans for you. We can work on your meal plan and recipe resources, weight, getting motivated, fitting exercise into your routine and/or find community. You will receive customized nutritional support and tools that are meant to work for your individual needs designed by me. You will also be part of the which will offer support to help motivate. is an all-inclusive on-line experience for weight loss and well-being. Twenty-four hours a day of community support when you need it!
When you work with me, I will be able to help show you that change is possible as long as it is something you are willing to make. Remember that change typically does not happen overnight – it’s a process of setting small goals and taking on them one at a time. The end goal is getting the healthiest form of yourself: my goal is your goal too!
My main goal is to offer support and guidance in helping you slowly implement changes over time, I want you to change your mind about healthy eating and exercising and become a more savvy shopper by learning new foods.
You don’t need a perfect body to create a perfect diet which helps you feel better about yourself. Together we will explore your relationship with food and address what is holding you back from getting healthier. We will help you determine the best way for an active lifestyle that suits your needs, as well as work together on how to maintain long-term success in the face of any set-backs along the way. And if this sounds too daunting, we will work step by step plan make it happen!

Join me today for a free consultation and find out if I can be of service to you! I offer individualized plans based on your needs – tailored towards any specific issue you may have. I pride myself in guiding my clients through their own journey with greater autonomy while providing the encouragement they need along the way. I will offer easy interventions, but effective strategies supported by research-based information. Email me [] for a free 15-minute consultation!

Mark’s Daily Apple

Mark’s Daily Apple, founded by Mark Sisson, ditches the conventional exercise and sugar-filled foods, replacing it with the primal movement. This lifestyle includes primal foods, which are pure and healthy, along with exercise that mixes optimally challenging workouts to help your body achieve the best form.

The Gabriel Method

Jon Gabriel is a proven legend in the weight loss field. His own massive transformation using his unique fat burning method, which primarily includes visualization, is a testament that it indeed works. The Gabriel Method has been recommended by fitness experts and doctors alike, being the factor of several people’s success.

Make Your Body Work

Dave Smith, chosen as Canada’s “Top Fitness Professional,” is the brains and brawn behind Make Your Body Work. He has helped thousands of clients flip their “metabolic switch” so that impossible weight-loss becomes simple and achievable. Dave fills his programs with years of extensive research and experimentation that are a surefire way to produce results.


EatTrainWin is run by Christie Miller, a certified Personal Trainer and Fitness Nutrition Specialist. While a perfectionist at heart, Coach Miller has realized that it is balance—not perfection—that matters. She creates custom plans involving daily training and healthy eating to help people tackle any personal issue they may be facing.

Jillian Michaels

A well-known name in the fitness and weight-loss industry, Jillian Michaels has been helping people for more than 20 years reach the best shape of their lives. Through several mediums—television, books, online media, etc.—her various programs have been the catalyst of change for countless people.

Fat-Burning Man

Internationally acclaimed Abel James, the “Fat-Burning Man,” has experienced the same issues that many North Americans face today. However, after ditching the advice of doctors and diving into research, he has made a new life for himself. He desires to help others achieve the same goals through food, activity, and life.

Live Love Fitness

Mary Jane is a certified health counselor and fitness coach that has experienced the same roller coaster of life just as you have. Her passion is to help you find both health and happiness, preventing issues instead of trying to remedy them through prescriptions.

Ireene Siniakis

Ireene Siniakis is not only a personal food, weight loss, and health coach, she has also held a corporate career for over 25 years. She has a passion for helping those in the business world to lose weight, eat healthier, and achieve even the loftiest fitness goals.

Lisa Carpenter

Lisa Carpenter is a self-proclaimed “nutritional ninja.” She empowers women by helping them recognize which foods will and won’t make them feel great. Women will find confidence and contentment with their food choices as they work with Lisa.

Born Fitness

Heralded as the king of health and fitness, Adam Bornstein is a top fitness expert, committed to providing clients only with entirely accurate information and tips. He prides himself on content, programs, and people that are real. Whether you are starting out, or you want to take your fitness to the next level, Born Fitness is the real deal.

TNT Nutrition

TNT Nutrition, owned by Shelby McDaniel and team, is an all-in-one program. They will be your nutritionist, mentor, and coach. Everyone on the team has extensive education and professional experience. Thus, your health will be in excellent hands.

Josef Rakich Fitness

Josef Rakich is the creator of the 12 Week Body Transformation. By becoming a JRF client, you receive a coach who is hands-on by personalizing monthly meal plans, workout plans, extreme ab exercises, cardio routines, along with much more. Mr. Rakich is extremely confident in his program for good reason as several people have completely transformed their bodies and lives.

Sohee Fit

Sohee Lee is a walking success story. Her views on training, nutrition, and other fitness related topics challenge contemporary approaches. And they work. Through her no-nonsense attitude and a love of weight-lifting and food, she has become incredibly fit; and there is no doubt she can help you too.

Chris Powell

From the documentary show “Extreme Weight Loss,” Chris Powell has helped people lose insane amounts of weight. He has changed lives through his knowledge, expertise, and books. Alongside his books, Chris offers several resources that are fantastic investments.

Losing Coach

Shelley Johnson, the founder of Losing Coach, knows firsthand what it is like to want to lose weight, and accomplish the task. Her focus is to help women achieve the bodies they have dreamed of through 7 unique principles. Shelley also encourages a mind over matter philosophy to instill the confidence many women need.

Jennifer Powter

Jennifer Powter believes that losing weight is all about “becoming conscious about how we look at food and how we nourish our bodies.” That’s why she focuses on helping clients adjust their mindset when it comes to eating and making daily lifestyle choices – she knows that healthier behaviours will follow healthier thoughts.

Hitch Fit

Micah and Diana LaCerte co-founded Hitch Fit to inspire people to achieve dramatic transformations. They offer an online fitness program that is completely personalized. Clients receive nutrition plans, customized workout routines, and 24/7 online support from either Micah or Diana directly. They also offer lifestyle tips to ensure your transformation is lifelong.

Joshua Zitting Fit

Joshua Zitting is an online fitness professional dedicated to helping people shred pounds in only eight weeks. Not only does he help clients shred fat, but his program also offers methods to replace the fat with muscle. Zitting provides clients with all the resources and tools needed to get fit.

Scott Laidler

Scott Laidler is a professional online personal trainer with an impressive clientele: Paralympians, military personnel, and celebrities. He is ready to help you as well with his comprehensive, customizable fitness plan that fits your body. He and his team conduct in-depth analysis and are committed to catering towards your unique body type.

Dangerously Fit

Daniel Clay is an Australian personal trainer and has facilitated incredible success for his clients spanning several years. Clay creates personalized nutrition plans that are easy to follow, workouts tailored to any fitness level, and replicable six-week programs that help anyone get fit. His program also offers the secrets of losing pounds and keeping them off for life.

Lean Muscle Project

Chris Muir and Justin Fauci co-founded Lean Muscle Project, a program dedicated to making clients proud of the bodies they build. They offer a 12-week program where people see constant progress with one-on-one muscle-building training, personalized fitness plans, and online 24/7 support and motivation from both trainers.

Xenios Fitness

Xenios Charalambous is a personal trainer and fitness model. His 12-week transformation program is all-inclusive with customizable nutrition plans, workout programs tailored to your goals, and support including Skype consultations for an extra personalized touch.


Commando Steve is a fitness trainer and coach. This 12-week program is extremely involved, offering weekly updates to your workout routines—which requires no equipment—and nutrition plans. Lifestyle tips such as detoxing your pantry and preparing your body for training will ingrain a health into your life and mind.

Fit Father Project

At 10 years old, Anthony Balduzzi lost his father to cancer. It was at that young age that he decided three things: He wouldn’t suffer the same fate as his father, he would take care of his mother and younger brother, and he’d figure out a way to help other dads stay healthy. That’s what the Fit Father Project is all about.

Michele the Trainer

Michele is a lifestyle weight loss coach, dedicated to getting you moving, motivated, and improving your mindset. Clients receive one-on-one coaching with Michele on a weekly basis for twelve weeks, but she is always available via email for questions. Working with Michele online saves time, provides convenience, and the comfort of training at home.

David Kingsbury

David Kingsbury is on another level of personal trainers. His bountiful experience in training some of the world’s elite makes him an excellent choice for anyone looking to get in shape. His programs offer maximum flexibility for busy schedules along with consistent support and motivation to reach your weight loss goals.

Real Energy Food

Karen Wojciechowski is a holistic nutritionist who specializes in helping clients develop natural energy by eating the right real foods. She’s shown time and time again that improvements in energy lead to an increased ability to lose weight and maintain a healthy weight.

David King Fitness

David King is challenging the traditional weight loss dogma of our modern age. With his Food Rehab online program, he is revolutionizing the way people think of unhealthy eating. King gets down to the cause of bad eating while helping you eat right, exercise appropriately for your body, and giving you some rules to live by to maintain your changes for life.

Kirk DeWindt

Kirk DeWindt is a personal trainer that wants you to “Find your Fit.” Kirk understands that you have a busy life; thus, he bases your customized fitness plan on your schedule. He takes your food preferences into account when building your nutrition plan and creates workouts tailored to achieving your goals.

Julie Lohre

Julie Lohre is a personal trainer that works specifically with women. She is dedicated to helping women lose significant amounts of weight and achieve their “FITBODY.” She guides clients rep-by-rep with their personalized workout routines, provides a complete nutritional plan, and helps them set specific attainable goals.

Earn That Body!

Kim Eagle is the weight loss coach behind Earn That Body! The eight-week fitness/nutrition program is designed to help people lose weight and switch to healthy lifestyles. Kim strives to provide a fun, yet challenging atmosphere to bring about the best results.


Christel Oerum is a fitness professional who can relate to health struggles since she lives with type 1 diabetes. Diabetes doesn’t stop her, and she knows nothing can stop you either. She believes in the power of goal setting and working towards them with personalized workout routines and nutrition plans. She performs weekly assessments to make sure you continue to head in the right direction.

Steve Maxwell Strength & Conditioning

Steve Maxwell has been in the fitness business for more than forty years. He understands the value of individualized fitness programs and person-to-person communication. Steve can create a routine for you with almost any kind of equipment and has the confidence you will see the results you’ve been looking for.

Tina Reale Yoga

Tina Reale is a yoga instructor whose focus is to make you a happier and healthier person. She offers an eight-week fitness challenge with several cardio and strength training workouts. She also provides a community page for group support along with direct email responses to help clients move forward towards their goals.

Betty Rocker

Bree Argetsinger, better known as “The Betty Rocker,” is the queen of fitness challenges that help clients from all over the world get in shape and shed weight. Not only does she deliver great workouts that are easy to follow at home, but she also provides simple, healthy meals that lead to body transformation.

He And She Eat Clean

Scott and Whitney are the fitness couple behind He and She Eat Clean. They offer several programs for weight loss and eating right, one of them being a 12-week online Transformation program that is designed to help shed the pounds while building a healthy body. You’ll learn how to eat clean and get the most of out of your workouts.

Weight Loss Mind Coaching

Victoria Morrison is a weight loss coach committed to aiding women in their journey to become healthy, happy people. Victoria coaches the mind and offers engaging homework between one-on-one sessions that educates clients about fitness. She also helps you set goals and talks through the limitations you have believed, preventing you from attaining the body you dream of.


Bradley Martyn is a man who truly lives the fitness life. He takes the time to create an individualized fitness program consisting of bulking meal plans, fat loss approaches, and much more. Bradley is available for direct contact to answer all of your questions and is dedicated to seeing you achieve your goals.

Traci D. Mitchell

Traci Mitchell is a personal trainer and nutrition coach, experienced in helping people for more than a decade. She offers online Skype check-ins and several packages that are sure to fit any individual. Traci is dedicated to analyzing your body and creating the best plan for your body to achieve the goals you have set ideally.

Devin Alexander

Devin Alexander is a celebrity chef that has written several books and offers numerous recipes to help people get started right on their weight loss journeys. She also provides one-on-one coaching to clients Skyping her weekly while keeping them accountable by having them report to her daily. She delivers homework to those working with her to keep them on track and the path to lasting weight loss.

Stefanie Senior RD

Stefanie Senior is a Canadian registered dietician who specializes in several areas, including weight loss counseling. Stefanie takes the time to understand who you are, then creates a personalized plan full of excellent nutritional value. Clients receive follow-up in between sessions and can choose to add personal fitness routines to their program.

Real Weight Loss For Real Women

Cookie Rosenblum is a weight loss coach with over twenty years of experience. Her method transforms the lives of women from the inside out. Each of her three packages incorporates this mindset through varying approaches to help women at any stage of life attain their dream bodies.

On The Regimen

On The Regimen’s founder is Mike Vacanti, once a man climbing the corporate ladder, but when he began strength training and acquired proper nutrition, it changed his life. He wants to do the same thing for his clients through his thorough and motivational online coaching program. Mike takes the time to know you and customizes all the resources you’ll need from fitness routines, nutrition plans, and supplements.

Karina Inkster: Healthy Living Academy

Karina Inkster is a vegan health and fitness coach who is offering a friendly “kick in the butt” to help you get your body in shape. Karina provides you with her vast knowledge of plant-based nutrition plans, personalized monthly fitness programs, and one-on-one counseling time to set goals and keep you motivated.

Bach Performance

Eric Bach is a no-nonsense personal trainer who went through the same journey many others have. He bases his programs on the basics: accountability with sticking to the workout plan, creating a healthy eating lifestyle, and motivating you to succeed.

LWR Fitness

Lucy Windham-Read is a personal whose experience spans more than 20 years. Her four-week programs have seen drastic results, with customized five-day eating plans, workout routines, and more. Lucy spends considerable time getting to know you and becomes your teammate throughout the process.

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