Welcome to DietCommunity
It’s not entirely you…it’s Big Food. Join our community where the community encourages you to be healthy, hydrated, and living your best life. And fight Big Food! David McClelland, a Harvard social psychologist, says, “[the people you habitually associate with] determine as much as 95 percent of your success or failure in life.”
You are in charge of your diet! We help identify the root cause of your problem. Is it addiction to salt, sugar, fat, sugar substitutes, or alcohol? Is it stress, too little time or inactivity? Get ready to make peace with yourself and fight the good fight! We will help you fight Big Food. That is the fast food companies (who make food so convenient), the processed foods (with ingredients to make you crave more and more and more) even the diet companies that sell you shakes and protein bars and as soon as you stop eating their food you gain the weight you lost plus some more. All these companies are just as evil as drug pushers. They give you good that tastes great, is awful for you and your health and you continually crave more. Obesity in this country is one of the reasons in our huge numbers of COVID deaths.
DietCommunity is a place to learn about food, celebrate wins, share recipes, entertain with healthy food choices, support other and be supported, advocate for better food, learn how not to be manipulated by Big Food, and find what exercise works for you as we dance across the world. In this COVID era times are tough. Many of us put on the COVID 15 pounds. And now we have Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years with all the unhealthy holiday food choices right around the corner.
There is no secret to losing weight. You must burn more calories than you take in. Our Diet Community We will share stories of what works for people on the same path. Our community will help you be accountable, help you get honest with what is holding you back, share what did work for you, and help you set intentions. The DietCommunity will help you succeed and more importantly be there if you have a setback.
You are in charge of your diet and lifestyle!
Diet Community helps you build your future – a healthy, wealthy, and wise future!
Science predicts if you say you want to do something, you only have 1 10% chance of success. If you tell one other person the odds go up to 25%. The secret is having a community that you meet with each week. Your community and by making small changes unique to you and other techniques we will be discussing in our on-line zoom classes is the secrete. You don’t want to buy a shake that is made by a BigFood company and has sugar as one of its first five ingredients.
We sincerely hope it will be a healthy community that you will fall in love with! You know how much work it takes you to get to be your healthy self – why not have a community in back of you?
Being nice is good for us – so why don’t we all do it? Here are the rules for our DietCommunity:
1. Be kind to each other and especially yourself.
2. No selling or promoting other businesses.
3. Do drama, cursing, gossiping – mean people will not be tolerated. DietCommunity is a safe community for everyone.
Which Sugar or Sugar Substitute is Right for You?
Wondering which sugar substitue is better for you? Let us help! We've done the research so that all of your questions
Why Sugar is So Much Worse for Teenagers’ Brains
The rate of obesity is increasing worldwide and the increase has been particularly dramatic in young people. Young people are the greatest consumers
Noom Diet App Agrees to $62M Settlement in Unethical Billing Scheme
Recently, Noom was sued $62 million for stealing from their customers. In other words, Noom customers would get billed for months
Bowel Cancer Is The Third Leading Cause of Cancer Death
It makes me very, very sad that colon cancer is taking more and more young people’s lives. Recently, it was the
Ten Best Ways to Lose Weight After Menopause
Menopause is the end of a woman’s menstrual cycle. The good news you will not have your monthly period. Unfortunately, there
How Junk Food Shapes the Developing Teenager’s Brain
Photo by Gemma Chua-Tran UnSplash.com. The teenage brain has a voracious drive for reward, diminished behavioral control, and a susceptibility to
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