Are you looking for a way to improve your health and reduce the impact on the environment? Want to save the world? Our food choices impact the environment and have a significant effect on climate change. The food we consume impacts everything from greenhouse gas emissions, methane in the atmosphere, pesticides, and excessive water use. So if you want to save the world, listen up! Besides, it looks like it is going to be up to us to change things. 

Want to save the world? Our food choices impact the environment and have a significant effect on climate change.

According to Influence Map, Apple, Microsoft, Facebook, Alphabet, and Amazon spend a whopping  4 percent of their lobbying dollars on climate! That means 96% of the money they spend is going towards other issues unrelated to our planet. It looks like it will be up to us as consumers and citizens of this world who care about the environment (and future generations) to make changes happen.

A plant-based diet is one of the best ways you can help save the world and your health. Studies show that avoiding meat and dairy products can lower your risk of heart disease, cancer, obesity, diabetes, and more. It’s also better for our planet – it takes less energy to produce plants than animals, so eating less meat reduces greenhouse gas emissions.

Save the Planet Climate Crime Scene

Livestock accounts for approximately 15% of global greenhouse gas emissions, including methane, carbon dioxide, and nitrous oxide.  The production of animal feed often involves large applications of nitrogen-based fertilizers and deforestation to increase productivity.

According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), an agency under the United Nations, livestock is responsible for almost 15 percent or more than 1/5th share in total greenhouse gases emission globally, including harmful methane (CH4), which is estimated to be even worse than Carbon Dioxide(CO2). The overall greenhouse gasses also include Nitrogen Oxide(N20), mainly due to its production feed primarily involving intensive use on fertility and forest destruction, increasing agricultural yields. Also, it takes water to grow production feed.

In the entire food system chain, climate change can impact every aspect.  Including agricultural production and processing of crops; storage in warehouses or refrigerators for long periods before shipping to retailers; transport across continents, even waiting for preparation by chefs when it reaches a diner’s table at home or in a restaurant.

Grow Your Own Food

If you can grow your food, even better.  Gangsta Gardener Ron Finley says, “Growing your own food is like printing your own money.” Gangsta Finley grew up with seven siblings in South Central proper, where the L.A. Riots erupted in 1992.  Gangsta Finley said there were liquor stores and fast-food restaurants on every corner but few supermarkets. Called a “food desert,” — But Gangsta Finley calls them “food prisons” because he believes the BigFood corporations that control the food supply also contain the residents’ diets like they control prisoners behind bars.   People consume mass-produced foods at their own risk while being held captive by convenience store shelves full of processed goods.  So Gangsta Finley started growing food in the median strip alongside his home.  He grew kale, lettuce, squash, peppers, tomatoes,  and more.

At first growing, your own food might not be cost-effective.  But once you taste how much better the quality is from your backyard, it will keep you growing!  And it is fun to watch your seeds grow over the summer! 

What You Eat  Matters to Your Health!

When the pandemic hit, people realized that their health was much more critical than previously thought. People began trying to be healthier and fit by switching out fast food and processed foods with more nutritional products and using local businesses. People went to the local farmers’ market or grew their food like Gangsta Finley, cooked at home, had time to learn new skills in the kitchen, and generally paid more attention to eating.  I sure hope the trend continues.

Going vegan or just eating more vegetables every day, is one of the simplest ways to contribute to a healthier planet.  And save money.  And get healthier.  By eating more fruits, vegetables, and grains can make a difference on so many levels.

Save the Planet Act Now or Swim Later

You don’t have to give up all animal products overnight, though! There are many ways you can make small changes over time that add up in a big way. For example, try going vegetarian once or twice a week or swapping out beef with lentils when cooking dinner tonight. The DietCommunity has plenty of recipes and tips that will help you get started on this journey today!

More and more adults get diagnosed as milk intolerant. When you are younger, your body can deal with lactose. But as we age, our bodies cannot break down lactose like we were younger.  Reduce dairy products or switch to non-dairy alternatives.  It is so prevalent that according to the National Institutes of Health, about 36 percent of Americans have “lactose malabsorption,” the reduced ability to digest lactose. 

Dietitian Dr. Duane Mellor has some terrific ideas and advice, including:

  •         Try replacing one product at a time, so replace your milk with almond or coconut milk.
  •         Try focusing on one mealtime, such as lunches, before moving on to breakfasts and dinners.
  •         Start with a day or two of being vegan per week and work your way up to becoming more plant-based.
  •         Have vegan snacks available.
  •         Practice cooking a few nutritionally balanced vegan meals that you enjoy.

You don’t have to always be running to get fresh produce!  Canned or frozen fruit and vegetables can be helpful, offering nutrition as their fresh counterparts.

Make Small Changes in Your Diet

You don’t have to give up all animal products overnight! There are many ways you can make small changes over time that add up in a big way. For example, try one of the new vegetarian frozen foods once or twice a week or swapping out beef with lentils when cooking dinner tonight. we use Kaiser Permanente plant-based diet plant which has plenty of recipes and tips that will help you get started on this journey today!

Vegetarian, vegan, plant-based, and flexitarian diets, eating less red meat can help save the world!  After all, even enlightened companies such as Apple, Microsoft, Facebook, Alphabet, and Amazon, only spend 4% of their lobbying dollars, we can’t wait for BigBusiness to take action!


Join DietCommunity today.  A community is very curative for making changes to your health.  The encouragement and accountability really helps you succeed in your goals to getting healthy.


Written by Alice Barczak, BSN, BSS-MIS, RN, CNOR