Mark’s Daily Apple

Mark’s Daily Apple, founded by Mark Sisson, ditches the conventional exercise and sugar-filled foods, replacing it with the primal movement. This lifestyle includes primal foods, which are pure and healthy, along with exercise that mixes optimally challenging workouts to help your body achieve the best form.
The Gabriel Method

Jon Gabriel is a proven legend in the weight loss field. His own massive transformation using his unique fat burning method, which primarily includes visualization, is a testament that it indeed works. The Gabriel Method has been recommended by fitness experts and doctors alike, being the factor of several people’s success.
Make Your Body Work

Dave Smith, chosen as Canada’s “Top Fitness Professional,” is the brains and brawn behind Make Your Body Work. He has helped thousands of clients flip their “metabolic switch” so that impossible weight-loss becomes simple and achievable. Dave fills his programs with years of extensive research and experimentation that are a surefire way to produce results.

EatTrainWin is run by Christie Miller, a certified Personal Trainer and Fitness Nutrition Specialist. While a perfectionist at heart, Coach Miller has realized that it is balance—not perfection—that matters. She creates custom plans involving daily training and healthy eating to help people tackle any personal issue they may be facing.
Jillian Michaels

A well-known name in the fitness and weight-loss industry, Jillian Michaels has been helping people for more than 20 years reach the best shape of their lives. Through several mediums—television, books, online media, etc.—her various programs have been the catalyst of change for countless people.
Fat-Burning Man

Internationally acclaimed Abel James, the “Fat-Burning Man,” has experienced the same issues that many North Americans face today. However, after ditching the advice of doctors and diving into research, he has made a new life for himself. He desires to help others achieve the same goals through food, activity, and life.
Live Love Fitness